Imamabada Baqerya is a Trust devoted towards propagating Shia Faith through various means like Azadari , Mehfils , Quran Khaani , Madrasas etc. Its aim is to preach and spread the illuminious teachings and knowlegdge of Ahlul Bayt a.s Imamabada Baqerya holds the privelege to start the Juloos of Azadari in Mumbai. Previously known as Imambada Jafariya , the Name Imamabada Baqerya was kept on the name of Mulla Mohammed Baqar who won a debate against an Ahle Sunnah Scholar.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Fatima Zahra (A.S.) on The Last Day...
On the Day when the oppressed shall bite their hands (in fear); when the oppressors shall be gathered in humiliation and lowliness, remembering their disgraceful and shameful deeds:
Then every one of them shall review his file, which is packed with oppression against his chosen worshippers. On that Day shall every human, whatever color, creed, faith, and his deeds may be shall be gathered... no one will be left behind... even the fetus who was the victim of abortion shall come that Day to present his case...
Then the great personality of Lady Zahra (A.S.) shall become manifest to every soul...
Following are several narrations reported by Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.) regarding Fatima (A.S.) on the Last Day:
1. Hakim reported in Al-Mustadrak v.2, p.153 that Ali (P.B.U.H.) said:
"I heard the Prophet say:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall announce from beyond the veil: "O gathered people, lower your eyes so that Fatima, the Daughter of Muhammad, may pass."
This narration has also been reported by:
Ibn Al-Athir in Usd al-Ghaba v.5, p.523;
Ganji Shafiee in Kifayat At-Talib p. 212;
Dhahabi in Mizan al-Etedal v.2, p.18; and by
Hamwini in Yanabi' al-Mawaddah p.104, who added the following to it:
Ali (A.S.) reported that the Prophet said:
"On the Day of Rising, a caller shall call from the sole of the Throne:
"O people of Resurrection, cast your eyes down, so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass-while holding Al-Hussain's shirt, which will (still) be saturated with blood.' She will then embrace the leg of the Throne and say:
"O (Allah), You are the Omnipotent and Just; pass the judgment between me and those who killed my son." (The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) added): "Then He shall judge according to my Sunnah, by the Lord of Kaaba, Fatima will then say:
"O Allah! grant me intercedence for everyone who cried for his disaster; Allah will then grant her intercedence for them."
2. Abu Nu'aym in Dala'el al-Nobowwah, Ibn Hajar in al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, and others have reported that Abu Ayuoub Ansari said:
"The Messenger of Allah said: A caller shall call from the sole of the Throne: O gathered people, lower your heads and cast your eyes down so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass on the Path. ' He added: 'She then passes accompanied by seventy thousand Huri Al-Een, as if they were a flashing light."
3. Many Sunni Scholars have reported that Allah's Messenger stated that Lady Fatima Zahra shall arrive at the gathering place (while) riding Ghadha' or Gusua female camel.
4. Jaber Ibn Abdullah Ansari said:
"I said to Abu Ja'far (Al-Baqir (A.S.)): 'May I be your sacrifice son of Allah's Messenger; narrate to me a hadith in regard to the noble traits of your grandmother Fatima, so that if I report it to your Shiites (followers), they would rejoice at (hearing) it!'
Abu Ja'far (A.S.) said: 'My father told me that my grandfather reported that Allah's Messenger said:
"On the Day of Rising, Minbars of light shall be erected for the prophets and messengers, of which my Minbar shall be the highest among all Minbars on that day. Allah will then say: Deliver a speech,' so I will deliver a speech that none of the prophets or messengers have ever heard. Then for the successors (of prophets) shall be erected Minbars of light, and in the middle of these Minbars one shall be erected for my successor, Ali Ibn Abu Talib, which will be higher than all their Minbars. Allah will then say:
"Ali, deliver a speech.' So he will deliver a speech like no successor has ever heard before. Then for the children of the prophets and messengers shall be erected Minbars of light; among them shall be a Minber of light for my two sons, grandsons and the two flowers of my life (Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain). Then it shall be said to them: "Deliver speeches." So they will deliver two speeches like none of the children of the prophets and messengers have ever heard before!
"A caller-Gabriel- shall then call:
'Where is Fatima Bint Muhammad?'
She (A.S.) will rise..." (Until he said):
'Allah, the blessed and exalted is His Name, shall say:
'O people of the gathering; to whom does honor belong today?'
So Muhammad, Ali, Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S.) will say:
'To Allah, The one, The Almighty
'Allah the Exalted will say:
"O people of the gathering: lower your heads and
cast your eyes down, for this is Fatima proceeding
towards Paradise.' Gabriel shall then bring her a female
camel from the female camels of Paradise; its sides shall be embellished, its muzzle with fresh pearls, and it shall have a saddle of coral. It shall kneel down in her presence; so she will ride it. Allah will then send 100, 000 angels to accompany her on her right side; and 100, 000 angels to accompany her on her left side; and 100, 000 angels to lift her onto their wings until they bring her to the gate of Paradise. When she is near the gate of Paradise, she will look to her side. Allah will then say:
"Daughter of My beloved, why did you look to your side after I gave the command that you enter my Paradise?"
She will say: "My Lord, I wished that my position would be realized on such a Day!"
Allah will say:
"Daughter of My beloved!
Go back and look for everyone in whose heart was love for you or for any of your progeny; take their hand and lead them into paradise!"
Abu Ja'far (A.S.) said: "By Allah; Jabir, she will pick her Shiites (followers) and those who love her just like a bird picks good seeds from bad seeds. So that when her Shiites are near the gate of Paradise, Allah will inspire their hearts to look to their sides; when they do--- Allah, The Almighty, will say:
My beloved ones, why did you look around when Fatima, the daughter of my beloved one, interceded for you?'
They will answer: 'Our Lord! We hoped that our position would be known on such a day!'
Allah will then say: 'My beloved ones, go back and look for everyone who loved you for your love for Fatima;
Look for everyone who fed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who clothed you for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who gave you a drink for the love of Fatima;
Look for everyone who prevented (Gheeba) backbiting from being done against you for the love of Fatima...
Take their hands and lead them into Paradise... "'
5. Ibn Abbas said: "I heard Amir Al-Mo'mineen, Ali (A.S.) say:
Once the Messenger of Allah entered the house of Fatima and found her in a sad mood. So he said: 'What has made you sad daughter?'
Fatima replied: 'Father, I remembered the gathering (Day), and people standing naked on the Day of Resurrection!'
He said: Daughter, surely it will be a great Day. But Gabriel informed me that Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, said that the first one upon whom the ground shall be split opened is me, then your husband, Ali Ibn Abu Talib (A.S.); then Allah shall send Gabriel accompanied by seventy thousand angels and he will erect on your grave seven domes of light, after which Israfil will bring you three garments of light and stand by your head and say to you:
"O Fatima Bint Muhammad, rise towards your gathering place."
"You (Fatima) shall then rise secure from fear and veiled (in privacy). Israfil will hand you the garments and you will wear them. Rafael will then bring you a female camel of light; its muzzle shall be made of fresh pearls and on it shall be a howdan of gold. You will ride it and Rafael shall lead it by its muzzle while seventy thousand angels holding the banners of glorification accompany you.
When the caravan hurries with you, seventy thousand Huris shall receive you rejoicing at seeing you; while every one of them will be holding a censer of light from which the fragrance of incense is spread without fire. They shall be wearing crowns of jewels embellished with green chrysolites."
6. Bihar v.10, on the authority of Amali (by Saduq) reports that Imam Baqir (A.S.) said:
"I heard Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari say: Allah's
Messenger said: "On the Day of Rising, My daughter,
Fatima, shall arrive riding a female camel from among
the camels of Paradise-to her right shall be seventy thousand
angels and to her left shall also be seventy thousand angels; Gabriel will be holding its muzzle and calling with the loudest of voices: 'Cast down your eyes so that Fatima Bint Muhammad may pass!"
"Then shall no prophet, messenger, truthful one, or martyr remain without casting their eyes down until Fatima passes... Then a call shall come from the side of Allah, the Exalted:
My beloved one and the daughter of my beloved one; ask Us and you shall be given (whatever you wish), and intercede, your intercedence shall be accepted. By my Honor and Exaltation, the oppression of no oppressor shall pass My (judgement) today.
She (Fatima) will then say:
"O Allah, My Master;
My progeny, My Shiites (followers), the Shiites of my progeny, those who love me and those who love my progeny."
She will then hear a call from Allah's side, may His Name be exalted:
"Where are Fatima's progeny, her Shiites, those who love her, and those who love her progeny?" They will then come forward, surrounded by angels of mercy, and Fatima will lead them into Paradise."
*** Rajab - An Important Spiritual Month ***
Rajab marks the beginning of the spiritual season of every believer ending with the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with the Eid Al Fitr. These three months (Rajab, Shaban, and Ramadhan) are unmatched in their importance.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Rajab is a great month of Allah, unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rajab is Allah’s month, Sha’aban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed.”
Imam Musa Al Kazim (as) said: Rajab is a great month, during which Allah (swt) multiplies the rewards of good deeds and omits the sins.
These are some useful points for this month:
1) Fasting
It is highly recommended to fast in this month of Rajab even for one day at least. A hadith says: Whosoever fasts a day in Rajab, the fire of hell will be away from him a distance of one year’s journey, and whosoever fasts 3 days in Rajab, will be entitled for Paradise.
Imam Ali (as) used to fast the whole month of Rajab.
2) Seeking Forgiveness (Estighfaar)
The Prophet (saw) used to say: Rajab is a month of seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (swt); He is verily the Forgiver, the Merciful. It is highly recommended to repeat ‘Astaghfirullaah wa as-aluhut tawbah’
3) Sadaqa and Charity
There is a big reward for sadaqa and charity in the month of Rajab. Those who cannot fast may give sadaqa to the poor every day, or recite ‘Subhana Ilalahil Jaleele Subhana Man la Yanbaghil Tasbeeho Illa Lahoo; Subhanal A`azzinil Akrame; Subhana Man Labisal Izza wa Howa Lahoo Ahlun.’
4) Repeating ‘Laa ilaaha illa-Allah’ 1000 times.
5) Repeating ‘Astaghfirullaaha zul jalale wal Ikraam min jamee' al zonoobe wal aathaam‘ 1000 times.
6) Repeating Sura Al Tawheed ‘Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad‘ 1000 times to get the reward of 1000 Angels and blessings on the reciter, his / her children, family and neighbours.
7) It is recommended to recite ‘Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad‘ 100 times every Friday in the month of Rajab.
Praise be to the Almighty and thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights.
*** Du'a for the Month of Rajab ***
The following du`a is recommended after the daily obligatory prayers. The du`a, according to Shaykh Abbas Qummi in Mafateehul Jinaan has been taught by Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq(a).
Transliteration + Translation of Du`a.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Allahumma Swalli `alaa muHammadinw wa-aali muHammad.
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his household.
Yaa man arjoohoo likulli khayr
O He from whom I can hope for all goodness
Wa-aamanu sakhaTahoo `inda kulli sharr
And I am safe from His anger at every evil.
Yaa manyu`Til-katheera bil-qaleel
O He who gives a lot in exchange of a little.
Yaa manyu`Tee man sa-alah
O He who gives to one who asks Him.
Yaa manyu`Tee man lam yas-alhu wa-mal-lam ya`rifhu taHannunam minhu waraHmah
O He who gives to one who does not ask Him and does not know Him, Out of His affection and mercy.
A`tinee bimasalatee iyyaak
Give me, for my request is only to You alone,
Jamee`a khayrid-dunyaa wajamee`a khayril-aakhirah
All the good of this world and all the good of the Hereafter.
WaSrif `annee bimas-alatee iyyaak
Keep away from me, for my request is only to You alone,
Jamee`a sharrid-dunyaa washarril aakhirah
All the evil of this world and the evil of the Hereafter.
Fainnahoo ghayru manqooSin maa a`Tayt
For indeed it is not diminishing what is given by You.
Wazidnee min faDhlika yaa Kareem
Increase (for) me from Your bounty, O The Generous.
(Then the 6th Imam held his beard in his left hand and gave a movement to the index finger in his right hand saying :)
Yaa dhaljalaali walikraam
O The Sublime and The Distinguished,
Yadhanni`maai waljood
O The Bountiful and The Magnanimous,
Yadhal-manni waTTawl
O the Gracious and the Mighty,
Harrim shaybatee `alan-naar.
Save my grey hairs from the fire (of Hell).
*** A'amal of First Thursday of Rajab - Laylatur Raghaib - Thursday June 17, 2010 ***
1) Fast on the first Thursday of Rajab.
2) In the evening between Maghrib and Isha, perform 12 units (rak’ah) of prayer, in two’s (ie two at a time). In each unit recite: Once Sura al Fateha, Three times Sura al Qadr, & 12 times Sura al Tawheed (Ikhlas).
3) After the 12 units (rak’ah) are over, recite 70 times:
Salawat (while sitting): “Allahumma Salli `Ala Muhammad, Annabiyyil Ummiyi Wa `Ala Aalihi”
Tasbih : 70 times in Sajdah: “Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala`ikati Warruh”
Istighfar : 70 times while sitting: “Rabbigh-Fir, War-ham, Watajawaz `Amma Ta’alamu, Innaka antal `aliyyul A`azam”
Tasbih : 70 times in Sijdah: “Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala`ikati Warruh”
4) Then seek your needs, they will be granted, insha’Allah.
(Mafatihul Jinan, Pg 139 Arabic / Pg 466 Gujrati)
Benefits of A’amal-e-Laylatur Raghaib :
1) Forgiveness of a great many sins.
2) Safety from the troubles of the first night in the grave, and shelter on the Day of Resurrection, after the Trumpet is blown. The Prayer will take the shape of a fine, smiling person, and he will enter the grave of one who performed it, with the following words: “My dear friends, good news for you! You are safe from all troubles!” The dead one will ask: “But may I know please who you are? I have never seen a face better than yours; nor have I heard words sweeter than the words from your tongue; nor have I smelled a perfume more refreshing than from you!” “My dear, I am the act which you performed on that particular night, month and year, and in that particular country. I have come tonight into your grave to reward you, and to remove your feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. And when the siren on the Day of Judgement will be heard, will take you out, I will provide you a cool cover over your head. So, be full of joy. No goodness will be denied to you.”
The following site has details of the Amaals recommended on this Holy Month.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) has said: “Rajab is a great month of Allah, unmatched by any other month in the respect and significance (accorded to it); war with the infidels during this month is prohibited; Verily, Rajab is Allah’s month, Sha’aban my month and Ramadan the month of my Ummah; whosoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab will be granted the great reward of Ridwan (an angel in heaven); the wrath of Allah shall be distanced and a door of the Hell shall be closed.”
Imam Musa Al Kazim (as) said: Rajab is a great month, during which Allah (swt) multiplies the rewards of good deeds and omits the sins.
These are some useful points for this month:
1) Fasting
It is highly recommended to fast in this month of Rajab even for one day at least. A hadith says: Whosoever fasts a day in Rajab, the fire of hell will be away from him a distance of one year’s journey, and whosoever fasts 3 days in Rajab, will be entitled for Paradise.
Imam Ali (as) used to fast the whole month of Rajab.
2) Seeking Forgiveness (Estighfaar)
The Prophet (saw) used to say: Rajab is a month of seeking forgiveness, so seek forgiveness from Allah (swt); He is verily the Forgiver, the Merciful. It is highly recommended to repeat ‘Astaghfirullaah wa as-aluhut tawbah’
3) Sadaqa and Charity
There is a big reward for sadaqa and charity in the month of Rajab. Those who cannot fast may give sadaqa to the poor every day, or recite ‘Subhana Ilalahil Jaleele Subhana Man la Yanbaghil Tasbeeho Illa Lahoo; Subhanal A`azzinil Akrame; Subhana Man Labisal Izza wa Howa Lahoo Ahlun.’
4) Repeating ‘Laa ilaaha illa-Allah’ 1000 times.
5) Repeating ‘Astaghfirullaaha zul jalale wal Ikraam min jamee' al zonoobe wal aathaam‘ 1000 times.
6) Repeating Sura Al Tawheed ‘Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad‘ 1000 times to get the reward of 1000 Angels and blessings on the reciter, his / her children, family and neighbours.
7) It is recommended to recite ‘Qul-ho-wallaho Ahad‘ 100 times every Friday in the month of Rajab.
Praise be to the Almighty and thanks to Him for granting us yet another opportunity to cleanse ourselves of our sins and oversights.
*** Du'a for the Month of Rajab ***
The following du`a is recommended after the daily obligatory prayers. The du`a, according to Shaykh Abbas Qummi in Mafateehul Jinaan has been taught by Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq(a).
Transliteration + Translation of Du`a.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Allahumma Swalli `alaa muHammadinw wa-aali muHammad.
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his household.
Yaa man arjoohoo likulli khayr
O He from whom I can hope for all goodness
Wa-aamanu sakhaTahoo `inda kulli sharr
And I am safe from His anger at every evil.
Yaa manyu`Til-katheera bil-qaleel
O He who gives a lot in exchange of a little.
Yaa manyu`Tee man sa-alah
O He who gives to one who asks Him.
Yaa manyu`Tee man lam yas-alhu wa-mal-lam ya`rifhu taHannunam minhu waraHmah
O He who gives to one who does not ask Him and does not know Him, Out of His affection and mercy.
A`tinee bimasalatee iyyaak
Give me, for my request is only to You alone,
Jamee`a khayrid-dunyaa wajamee`a khayril-aakhirah
All the good of this world and all the good of the Hereafter.
WaSrif `annee bimas-alatee iyyaak
Keep away from me, for my request is only to You alone,
Jamee`a sharrid-dunyaa washarril aakhirah
All the evil of this world and the evil of the Hereafter.
Fainnahoo ghayru manqooSin maa a`Tayt
For indeed it is not diminishing what is given by You.
Wazidnee min faDhlika yaa Kareem
Increase (for) me from Your bounty, O The Generous.
(Then the 6th Imam held his beard in his left hand and gave a movement to the index finger in his right hand saying :)
Yaa dhaljalaali walikraam
O The Sublime and The Distinguished,
Yadhanni`maai waljood
O The Bountiful and The Magnanimous,
Yadhal-manni waTTawl
O the Gracious and the Mighty,
Harrim shaybatee `alan-naar.
Save my grey hairs from the fire (of Hell).
*** A'amal of First Thursday of Rajab - Laylatur Raghaib - Thursday June 17, 2010 ***
1) Fast on the first Thursday of Rajab.
2) In the evening between Maghrib and Isha, perform 12 units (rak’ah) of prayer, in two’s (ie two at a time). In each unit recite: Once Sura al Fateha, Three times Sura al Qadr, & 12 times Sura al Tawheed (Ikhlas).
3) After the 12 units (rak’ah) are over, recite 70 times:
Salawat (while sitting): “Allahumma Salli `Ala Muhammad, Annabiyyil Ummiyi Wa `Ala Aalihi”
Tasbih : 70 times in Sajdah: “Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala`ikati Warruh”
Istighfar : 70 times while sitting: “Rabbigh-Fir, War-ham, Watajawaz `Amma Ta’alamu, Innaka antal `aliyyul A`azam”
Tasbih : 70 times in Sijdah: “Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala`ikati Warruh”
4) Then seek your needs, they will be granted, insha’Allah.
(Mafatihul Jinan, Pg 139 Arabic / Pg 466 Gujrati)
Benefits of A’amal-e-Laylatur Raghaib :
1) Forgiveness of a great many sins.
2) Safety from the troubles of the first night in the grave, and shelter on the Day of Resurrection, after the Trumpet is blown. The Prayer will take the shape of a fine, smiling person, and he will enter the grave of one who performed it, with the following words: “My dear friends, good news for you! You are safe from all troubles!” The dead one will ask: “But may I know please who you are? I have never seen a face better than yours; nor have I heard words sweeter than the words from your tongue; nor have I smelled a perfume more refreshing than from you!” “My dear, I am the act which you performed on that particular night, month and year, and in that particular country. I have come tonight into your grave to reward you, and to remove your feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. And when the siren on the Day of Judgement will be heard, will take you out, I will provide you a cool cover over your head. So, be full of joy. No goodness will be denied to you.”
The following site has details of the Amaals recommended on this Holy Month.
Excellence of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (s.a.)
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said, 'When I was raised to the skies Jibrail guided me to Paradise with his hand. I was offered a date which I ate. It was transformed into semen in my loins. I then descended on the earth and lived with Khadija. Then she became pregnant with Fatimah (s.a.). Therefore Fatimah is a human Hoori. Whenever I wish to smell the fragrance of Paradise, I smell the fragrance of my daughter, Fatimah.'
Behaar al-Anwaar v 43, p 4 from Oyoon Akhbaar al-Reza (a.s.) and Amaali-e-Saduq
For more traditions on the Excellence of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (s.a.), visit the link:
The Path of Ahle Bait (a.s.)
Behaar al-Anwaar v 43, p 4 from Oyoon Akhbaar al-Reza (a.s.) and Amaali-e-Saduq
For more traditions on the Excellence of Hazrat Fatimah Zahra (s.a.), visit the link:
The Path of Ahle Bait (a.s.)
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